
Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Learn to be a Contemporary Leader

A contemporary leader is one who knows when to direct, when to partner and when to let go of his team. Developing into such a leader requires some knowledge, skills and values. It certainly is not rocket science, as we are made to believe, neither is it relegated to a chosen few.

Every one of us can train to be a leader. Experiential Learning Games is offering an online interactive training program to train you to be a leader who succeeds as well as a leader who is loved by his/her people.

Get a sneak preview into the course. If you are interested in knowing what the course entails and if you are eligible for it fill the form on Leadership Games

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Saturday, March 31, 2007


A learning experience: The first newsletter from www.experiential-learning-games.com was launched on 31st January, 2007. I had no idea about how to write a newsletter, so I dragged my feet quite a bit about it. However, the number of subscribers to my newsletter announcement kept growing, and I decided that I had to get down to doing it.
I need not have worried. As I got down to writing it on the SBI template, I realised that it was not so difficult after all. In fact I have been able to write the next newsletter too.

Here are the links for the two newsletters.



Any thoughts on them? Please feel free to post your comments

Experiential Learner

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Thursday, May 25, 2006

check out my Swicki

I never cease to be amazed at the number of interesting things that the SBI forums have taught me. To know all, of course you have to buy the SBI package from here
I have found another gem from the SBI forums - creating your own search engine through a Swicki. Here's the link below.

'Experiential learning games search engine'

When the webpage opens, go to the link 'spin' at the bottom of the page and check out my search engine. The search will return sites that are specific to 'Experiential Learning Games' and my site will appear in the search results. Isn't that exciting?! Just what the doctor ordered for building traffic. and it is FREE.

more in the next.
experiential learner

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Saturday, May 13, 2006



Longtime no write.

It's been a longtime since I blogged. Important and significant things have happened since then. I reached the traffic rate of 50 visitors per day to my website http://www.experiential-learning-games.com. I added google adsense to my site and within 18 days I had made $88 from my site. I am really excited now about this website. The grace of the Lord Jesus is on it and SBI's winning formula of 'content-traffic-presell-monetize' especially for an infopreneur like me really works.

Hey how about some of you - who want to explore the Internet as a business proposition - buying the SBI package. To start with you must have something you want to sell. If you cannot think of anything, use the contact us form on my website and let's brainstorm together. Use the form to tell me what you are good at. Once you have converged on at least three possibilities, buy SBI, follow the SBI action guide and you cannot fail.

If you are thinking of other website building packages to make Internet income, first use this tool and give yourself good reasons why you would forego SBI, http://chooseit.sitesell.com/empower-people.html

Check SBI out at http://www.sitesell.com/empower-people.html

More later,

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Saturday, April 15, 2006

Responses to forms and questionnaires

I get very excited everytime somebody interacts with my website through the forms on them. The numbers are not exactly extraordinary, but all the responses are heartwarming, assuring me that I am moving in the right direction. I have had a total of fourteen responses to the 'disciplining children poll'. I have had three responses to the 'leadership styles' questionnaire, and there are four visitors who have opted to receive my e-zine 'Stories for EL'.

SBI really does indeed keep its promise, infact it more than keeps its promise. All I do is follow their action guide and with the grace of God on my every action I am on the home run.

I just discovered that my site which was not assigned any page rank by google has now got a page rank of 4/10. I am so excited. This has motivated me to add more pages to my site. Here are the links to the new pages.

Check them out and let me know.

Experiential learner

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Sunday, April 09, 2006

Forms and questionnaires

The SBI package has been instrumental inproviding another successful experience in the process of website building.

I wanted to make my site interactive as well as give the visitors a meaningful experience with the interaction. I always dreamt of having a poll on my site.

I got the opportunity when my internet forays led me to a site which talked about children's behavior management in a non-threatening way through an invention called the 'better behavior wheel'. I wanted the visitors on my site to explore the wheel, so I included a poll on the pages of my site which dealt with children's behavior. Find the poll here.

This did not satisfy me. I was looking for a way to help my visitors do a self-assessment of their leadership styles. Again the 'form build it' module of the SBI package came in use. It took me a while to figure out how to adapt it to a questionnaire format. But glory be to the Lord Jesus I finally figured it out. Find what I have done with the form module here. It is not perfect, but it is a great beginning.

I am looking forward to visitors to the leadership styles page, and have them experience in a fun way.

The experiential-learner

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Friday, April 07, 2006

Wikis - a powerful tool to share your knowledge

Among the many new things that I learnt through my experience of building a content website through SBI, is the discovery of the two wiki sites, wikipedia and wikihow.

I had no idea that I could add my piece to the world's knowledge bank until I came to know about these two wikis. I discovered 'wiki' is an acronym for 'what I know is'. Since then I have become a great fan of the wikis.

Two of my wiki contributions are in the links above. Below are a couple more.



The wikis are an excellent place to visit even if you have nothing to contribute. It is exciting to visualize a time when one can find almost any information on the wikis and become aware.

The experiential-learner

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TQM and experiential learning

What a day?!

I worked with a group graduate students on the use of TQM to plan a quality mental health program in schools. TQM is not a very lively topic. Come to think of it, most topics are not lively.

I had the task of getting them involved as well give them an experience of some parts of the concept of TQM. After the grounding (a round of introductions and a little more), I got them to form three groups and list out a set of characteristics of a good mental health programme. After about 15 minutes each flip chart was filled with about 10 to 12 points.

Then we read each of the flipcharts. Together they were quite comprehensive. We did a process of elimination and got rid of all the repeats and arrived at a plan for a quality mental health programme.

Believe me it was a treat to read it. It always amazes me that once a group of people is facilitated to work together, the group can put together the most powerful vision/quality statement. I am hoping to paste a copy of it here next week.

Following the reading of the quality statement, we read the meaning of Total in the definition of Total Quality Management. We used that to brief the previous activity. It became clear to them that total in TQM meant the involvement of every stakeholder in the organisation.

We then worked on other concepts, used a couple of energisers, and completed the rest of the presentation.

The last session, ' closing' was, simply put 'fulfilling'. The feedback during 'closing' amounted to:

  • being awake all through
  • energetic
  • becoming aware of their own abilities
  • understanding the concept
  • being floored by the brilliant format of delivering content

I am still awed by the effect that

  • repect for people,
  • effort to transform content into experience
  • treating people as normal when they feel drowsy during a session and not taking it personally
  • giving them an opportunity to give their best to the process.

has on creating a conducive learning environment. It makes for quality learning every time.



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