
Saturday, May 13, 2006



Longtime no write.

It's been a longtime since I blogged. Important and significant things have happened since then. I reached the traffic rate of 50 visitors per day to my website http://www.experiential-learning-games.com. I added google adsense to my site and within 18 days I had made $88 from my site. I am really excited now about this website. The grace of the Lord Jesus is on it and SBI's winning formula of 'content-traffic-presell-monetize' especially for an infopreneur like me really works.

Hey how about some of you - who want to explore the Internet as a business proposition - buying the SBI package. To start with you must have something you want to sell. If you cannot think of anything, use the contact us form on my website and let's brainstorm together. Use the form to tell me what you are good at. Once you have converged on at least three possibilities, buy SBI, follow the SBI action guide and you cannot fail.

If you are thinking of other website building packages to make Internet income, first use this tool and give yourself good reasons why you would forego SBI, http://chooseit.sitesell.com/empower-people.html

Check SBI out at http://www.sitesell.com/empower-people.html

More later,

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