
Thursday, April 06, 2006

Learning continuously

What a pleasure it is to build your site with SBI?! Not only do I get to see my site grow as I build more pages to it. I am also learning daily about building a successful e-commerce site.

I have learnt to make google sitemaps for my site and have it verified by google. Google then generates stats for my site which gives me great information on the top queries that have resulted in my site being viewed and the rankings of these pages.

I have also learnt about how to find the rate for advertising on my site, via the excellent sitesell forums. Anyone can get this information on http://www.webconfs.com/link-value.php . It is invaluable.

I am excited about continuing to build my site and more pages to it. With the favor of the Lord Jesus shining on me it will not be long before I start to make money on my site.

Here are some of the links to the newest pages on my site

Link to betterbehaviorwheel.html

Link to Math games

Link to magic squares

Link to reverse thinking

It pays to be an experiential learner, more so with a company like sitesell.com.

with regards,

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