
Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Experiential learning and Site Build It

I am so excited that I am creating a site on experiential learning through games and while doing so I am experiencing learning with lots of fun. I am able to do something new and have a successful experience of doing it as a result of Site Build It!(SBI) a product of Sitesell.com. SBI has made the process of building a pure infopreneurial site a joy. I can see the effect of what I am doing immediately on the website, on the search engines and among friends. There is nothing like experience to make your learning a joyous and permanent feature of your being. For those of us who want to make the learning process interesting let's look for a way of getting it. For those of us who want to build an e-commerce site with brain, motivation and passion in the area of our work, there is always SBI. Today after a fifteen day old website of eight pages, the effect of SBI can be seen by the #1 ranking of the homepage of my site for the keyword - experiential learning games on MSN Search. Click on the link below to compare their (SBI's) quantity and quality of proof of success with any competitor under consideration...

link to http://proof.sitesell.com/empower-people.html

You can go to my site and check out what I have been able to do with SBI. The link for my site is in my first post.

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