
Friday, February 17, 2006

Self-esteem games on my site

Self-esteem is the image of yourself that determines the confidence with which you deal with a situation. The more positive the self-image the more effective your ability to deal with situations especially adversity. How is self-image developed? The affirmations that a human being receives from childhood builds her self-image. How many of us do affirm each other? We are very stingy with our appreciation, believing that if we appreciated somebody else we would somehow reduce our own importance. This way of building self-esteem is an inverted method, although absolutely crucial for young children. Self affirmation is actually the only method that sustains self-esteem. The games mentioned on the Self-esteem games page of my site have both methods of self-affirmations. The first one is method of affirming oneself and the second one is seeking positive self-affirmation from others. Both the games are experiential in nature. Read and enjoy

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