
Friday, April 07, 2006

TQM and experiential learning

What a day?!

I worked with a group graduate students on the use of TQM to plan a quality mental health program in schools. TQM is not a very lively topic. Come to think of it, most topics are not lively.

I had the task of getting them involved as well give them an experience of some parts of the concept of TQM. After the grounding (a round of introductions and a little more), I got them to form three groups and list out a set of characteristics of a good mental health programme. After about 15 minutes each flip chart was filled with about 10 to 12 points.

Then we read each of the flipcharts. Together they were quite comprehensive. We did a process of elimination and got rid of all the repeats and arrived at a plan for a quality mental health programme.

Believe me it was a treat to read it. It always amazes me that once a group of people is facilitated to work together, the group can put together the most powerful vision/quality statement. I am hoping to paste a copy of it here next week.

Following the reading of the quality statement, we read the meaning of Total in the definition of Total Quality Management. We used that to brief the previous activity. It became clear to them that total in TQM meant the involvement of every stakeholder in the organisation.

We then worked on other concepts, used a couple of energisers, and completed the rest of the presentation.

The last session, ' closing' was, simply put 'fulfilling'. The feedback during 'closing' amounted to:

  • being awake all through
  • energetic
  • becoming aware of their own abilities
  • understanding the concept
  • being floored by the brilliant format of delivering content

I am still awed by the effect that

  • repect for people,
  • effort to transform content into experience
  • treating people as normal when they feel drowsy during a session and not taking it personally
  • giving them an opportunity to give their best to the process.

has on creating a conducive learning environment. It makes for quality learning every time.



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