
Sunday, April 09, 2006

Forms and questionnaires

The SBI package has been instrumental inproviding another successful experience in the process of website building.

I wanted to make my site interactive as well as give the visitors a meaningful experience with the interaction. I always dreamt of having a poll on my site.

I got the opportunity when my internet forays led me to a site which talked about children's behavior management in a non-threatening way through an invention called the 'better behavior wheel'. I wanted the visitors on my site to explore the wheel, so I included a poll on the pages of my site which dealt with children's behavior. Find the poll here.

This did not satisfy me. I was looking for a way to help my visitors do a self-assessment of their leadership styles. Again the 'form build it' module of the SBI package came in use. It took me a while to figure out how to adapt it to a questionnaire format. But glory be to the Lord Jesus I finally figured it out. Find what I have done with the form module here. It is not perfect, but it is a great beginning.

I am looking forward to visitors to the leadership styles page, and have them experience in a fun way.

The experiential-learner

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